Monday, December 10, 2018

Christmas...? Is it really...?

Dear Friends and Family,

     It has been a good week here in the 'Pines, but I'm starting to feel really weird about the season. Everyone keeps telling me Christmas is close, and we sang Christmas hymns in sacrament meeting yesterday, but there's no snow...and it's hotter here than when I arrived. It feels like summer here!! Man, being in the tropics is a weird experience after Utah for 20 years.
     Anyways, Elder Garcia and I have seen some wonderful progress in the people we are teaching. We recently found a young couple, Joy and Jayson, who have once again astounded me with their humility and progress in learning about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Sometimes it seems like they are teaching themselves more than anything else. (Not kidding. Our last lesson plan was to link faith to attending church. We started by asking them what they though faith was, and they responded with "Well, it probably means we should go to church." 8I Elder Garcia and I look at each other and silently communicate, "We didn't say anything about going to church yet....what the...?") Their faith is really something else, and I really hope they continue to read, pray and receive the joy of the gospel into their lives. The Lord truly has been leading us to wonderful, prepared people; what a blessing!
     This week as I have been reading the book of Helaman, I've been struck by how critically important it is to exhort others towards doing what is right, especially the people we love most in our lives. In the earlier part of Helaman, the Nephites found themselves in a real pickle where their own military strength was simply insufficient to beat back the Lamanites. So what did they do? They didn't invent some new weapon of war (like an Iron Man suit). Instead, Nephi and Lehi preached the Gospel to them, the Lord converted them, and they willingly gave up they lands they had taken by warfare. Perhaps it seems like a bizarre, round about way to solve the problem, but it proves that they answer to every problem in life is greater faith and diligence in doing the Lord's will. A great many problems in life seem ultra-complicated, or simply impossible to overcome. But no matter the complexity or difficulty of the problem, living the Gospel in it's fullness will provide a solution. Consequently, if we really want our loved ones to find success, joy and peace in their lives, they best thing we can do is to exhort (very powerfully invite) them to live the Gospel, and all other things will work themselves out. 
     Well, that's probably enough writing out of me. Thank you all for your support and any/all prayers! Please know that you are in my prayers daily, and I ask God every day to prosper you in all your good desires. Please take care of yourselves! Until next week!

Sincerely, Elder Dickison

1) Proof that white turkeys do exist! Not the greatest picture...but I was so surprised to see this thing, I had to capture it!...on film. For some reason I didn't think turkeys could be white...
2) Elder Garcia found the path to Narnia. Also proof Elder Garcia is crazy (look at the umbrella he bought).
3) Elder Dickison found the path to Narnia. Also proof that Elder Dickison was transfigured. (Glowing with heavenly light. :P)
4) The cute Christmas tree my family sent me. :)

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