Thursday, November 15, 2018

Sit Down, Relax, and Behold the Miracles!

Dear Family and Friends,

     It has been an eventful week here in Agoo! I've seen miracles, learned a lot, and been chastened by the Spirit too. All good missionary things :) The baptism of our most progressing person, Marianne, is coming up quickly on the 24th of November...right after the transfers in our mission on the 20th. This means that I may or may not be here to see and participate for her baptism, but either way I know that it will be a wonderful experience for her. 
    Earlier this week, Elder Garcia and I were walking along a very long road that we frequent, when we passed a man working on making stairs out of dirt. This seemed like a poor idea to me, but he was very friendly, so I didn't comment and we just started getting to know him. After a few get-to-know-you questions, he said "You should come over and teach me, I live right over there" (points with his finger). To which we simply responded "Sige, we will do that. Is tomorrow okay?"  Needless to say we followed up the next day, and the man, Renaldo, gladly listened to us. Turned out, he had his own Book of Mormon that his dying grandmother had given to him and told him to read when he was a boy. Being an obedient boy, he has read it off and on ever since and already believes it to be scripture. Holy moly! 8) Talk about a miracle! Elder Garcia and I didn't do hardly anything there, and already Brother Renaldo is well on his towards conversion to Christ's gospel. Truly the Lord is always preparing people to receive the gospel. We just have to trust that promise and work hard to share what truth we have. 
     As I have been striving to more fully invite the Spirit into my life through meaningful prayer, scripture study and unity with Elder Garcia I have been noticing some interesting occurrences. Elder Garcia was sick Thursday/Friday, and I was left as the sole missionary to lead the lessons/work in my area with one of my other apartment mates, Elder Barrado. This would normally stress me out of my mind, since my Tagalog is far from truly fluent. Yet I felt an odd peace about it, and I was able to teach with a fluency that left me dumbstruck later that day. On the way back from our work, I suddenly felt like talking with Elder Barrado about some of the struggles in my own companionship, something that is pretty out of character for me. However, we were able to have a much needed open talk, which helped strengthen both of us and show me the course that I needed to take.
     In the past, I suppose I believed that if the Spirit wanted to say something to me, I would know it, identify it, and then do it. But more and more I'm coming to see that the workings of the Spirit in me change my very most basic feelings and desires in order to bring my will more in line with that of God's. This has and continues to strengthen my testimony that if we are striving with all our might to do what is right, we don't have to worry about whether or not the Spirit is speaking to us. We just have to read, ponder, pray, and then follow our feelings with humility before God, and we can't possibly go wrong!
     Anyways, that's probably enough spiritual rambling for one letter. Many thanks to each of you for your love, friendship and support! I continue to pray for you, and I know that the Lord will support you if you'll turn to Him! Take care this week!

Love, Elder Dickison

Pictures This Week:

1) Elder Sanford (the other white person), Elder Barrado and Elder Dickison testing E. Dickison selfie skills in a field.
2) E. Sanford and E. Dickison with a lovely beachside shot
3) The legendary "Tak-bo" lizard. The Filipinos are legitimately afraid of this thing. It's about the size of a dinner plate, and makes a weird "tak-bo" call in the night. It is said that if it touches you, it sticks to your skin and can only be removed with fire. I'm still not convinced, but it took me almost 3 months to get a picture. 
4) My Filipino companions. We went on "splits" yesterday (Sunday) with the ward members, so I had three YSA companions instead of Elder Garcia for several hours. It was interesting. :)

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