Wednesday, October 10, 2018

That thy faith may grow stronger...

Dear Family and Friends,

     This has been a week somehow seemed to go by really fast and really slow simultaneously. We've had some really awesome things happen, and some not so easy ones too. After Elder Anderson being sick and wiped out almost all of last week, we were finally able to make it back to Agoo late Monday night. When we made it back to our apartment, Elder Anderson went straight to bed, while I decided to brush my teeth and put a few things away. Within about two minutes, Elder Anderson was suddenly yelling and jumping around like a crazy person. After all that had happened the week before, I actually thought he was loosing his mind... Okay, maybe not, but I was a little confused. I turned all of the lights on and discovered a very large, angry black beetle in E. Anderson's bed, hissing at us both. Things are never boring here.
     We were able to visit the Eisma family again on this week, and we discovered that their mother had made a surprise visit from her work in Hong Kong. This was a great opportunity for us to try and get her to talk to her husband, so that we can get permission to baptize the Eisma kids. After our visit, the mother said she would talk to him, so we're hopeful that a miracle will occur and we will be able to move forward with these kids.
     Again, we've had a lot of appointments fall through this week (I'm sure this is going to be a very long term problem here...), so we weren't able to make as much progress with our people as I would have liked, but oh well. I guess that's missionary work sometimes. 
     We also got transfer news yesterday, and found out that Elder Anderson is leaving this area to become a zone leader elsewhere! So I will be getting a new companion in my area, and be expected to lead the area. YIKES! Can't say I feel even slightly ready for that. My grasp on the language, culture, people, geography, etc. is improving daily, but I still feel inadequate as far as leading anything here is concerned. I guess it will just be one interesting opportunity for me to grow my faith under somewhat crazy circumstances. Sometimes I suppose we are put into hard positions in order to force us to grow and expand, even if we feel very uncomfortable about it. I'm still not sure who my next companion will be, but I'm looking forward to getting to meet him. Hopefully, together we can help the people in our area to come closer to Jesus Christ. That's the most important thing.
     I'm really excited to listen to General Conference this upcoming week here in the Philippines! Hopefully all of you in the USA have enjoyed watching it already! (Please, no spoilers. :P) Please take care, and I'll look forward to writing again next week!

Love, Elder Dickison

1) I was able to baptize one of the Sister's investigators this past Saturday! What an awesome experience!
2) Elder Anderson slowly loosing his mind, stuck in a hospital room for days on end.
3) The very angry, very large beetle.

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