Monday, September 10, 2018

Don't Walk too Close to Grazing Cows...

Dear Family and Friends,

     What a wonderful week it has been! Full of many adventures, great new people, and the testimony of the Spirit! Little by little, I have am growing in my ability to function here in the Philippines. I can now understand roughly 30% of what is being said to me and Elder Anderson, and I can turn on our bathroom light on the 5th try instead of the 15th! :P
     Anyways, the work is definitely picking up in our area. We taught a few dozen good lessons, found a couple dozen new people (including multiple families!) and have made good progress teaching the gospel with others. Although Tagalog still doesn't slide off my tongue with ease, I feel much more confident sharing my simple testimony and teaching doctrine simply in this foreign language. More than anything else, I have been (kind of desperately) praying for the help of the Spirit of God, and I have truly felt it's presence every time I share my witness of the Lord Jesus Christ and His gospel. I know that the Spirit can carry the power of the message far more effectively than I can. So long as the people Elder Anderson and I teach can feel the Spirit through our faith and diligence, we will have successfully shared the gospel.
     In slightly less important matters, we were able to go on a couple of activities including a trip to a small zoo in the mountains last P-day (after email) and a hike up the mountains earlier today. The hike was a real adventure, consisting of climbing roughly 20 flights of stairs up a mountain, discovering a bunch of false idols at the top of that mountain, realizing we were in the wrong place, trying to hike around that mountain to the right place, having a slightly upset cow chase us back down that path, climbing back down the 20 flights of stairs, taking a tricycle to the other side of the mountain, climbing up that side of the mountain until the path disappeared, bushwhacking for another 20 minutes and then emerging at the cross at top of the mountain! As we exited the bushwhacking section, we looked behind us and found a sign that said "Not a path, do not enter." Whoops. :P  Anyways, during the hike, I was really astounded by the beauty of this country. Green, so much green! Coming from the desert, this place seems like the Garden of Eden. I love the animals, views and friendly people of the Philippines.
     I've really enjoyed being companions with Elder Anderson and getting to learn a lot of things from him. Everything from language to how to do laundry here to directing tricycle drivers, etc. He is patient with me and helping me to grow little by little every day. I'm grateful for him as my trainer, and I have high hopes to baptize multiple people before our companionship ends! As long as we work diligently, pray humbly and stay obedient, I know the Lord can work miracles.
     Well, that's probably enough...I'm going to try not to write a novel. :P Enjoy wonderful life, and know that God is mindful of you always!

Love, Elder Dickison

1) Elder Dickison at the Bukid (field)
2) The biggest eagle you've ever seen
3) Elder Anderson and I in front of our church building
4) The Cross at the top of the mountain
5) Sweaty, disheveled Elder Dickison with Indiana Jones bag at the top of the mountain 

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