Monday, July 9, 2018

In our Lovely Desert...

Nope, that's not a misspelling- Desert, not Deser-et.​​ The gavel has finally fallen and I have been deemed unworthy to enter the promised land of the Philippines. Instead, I am being sent to the scorching desert where my agony may ascend like a flaming fire forever and ever... Just kidding...that's all a load of baloney. :P Except for the part where I'm headed to the desert. I found out this week that as of now, my visa to stay in the Philippines has not arrived. So I have been given a temporary reassignment to the Scottsdale, Arizona mission! There is still a very small chance that my visa could come in the next couple of days and I'd actually go straight to the Philippines; but much more likely than not, my destination next week will be one of the driest, hottest places on earth. Home sweet home! 
     Due to some recent changes in the way the Philippines issues visas, the process has become much longer and more difficult. For the last several months, the vast majority of missionaries headed there end up getting temporarily reassigned. Consequently, my reassignment isn't exactly surprising. Within my own district, only 3 of the 10 of us (as of now) are headed to the Philippines on Wednesday. Thankfully, one of my district-mates, Elder Christensen, has also been reassigned to Scottsdale, meaning I have a friend to travel with on Monday!
     Though I definitely wasn't hoping to get reassigned, I feel at peace with the situation. If I actually believe in the gospel I am preparing to preach, then I know that God has an absolute control of my visa situation. If it is His will that I should be in Philippines this upcoming week, then that is exactly where I will end up. But if on the other hand I am needed in Arizona, then that is where I am meant to be. As has been reiterated to me several times recently, my calling to serve as a missionary and representative of Jesus Christ is much more important than exactly where I serve or how long I'm there. And so, I choose to trust that where ever God chooses to send me, there is a purpose behind me being there. :)
     As far as other happenings go, this past week has had at least one interesting event. Our 4th of July was kind of an odd hodge-podge of completely normal MTC activities and a couple completely abnormal activities. We attended our normal classes, had regular meals and weren't allowed to dress any more patriotic than normal. (Not that that actually stopped the sisters in my district...) However, at 9 pm, after our final class of the day, we had a "Religious Freedom" devotional followed by watching the BYU firework show. The actual show was awesome, and a very nice break from normal MTC activities. It reminded me of the annual Summer Games firework show in Cedar City, though we were watching from a towering building instead of sitting on the grass right underneath the explosions. The fireworks ended around 11:30, much later than we had ever/will ever be permitted to stay up again and we headed to bed. Unfortunately we still had to get up at 6:30 the next morning... :P
     Thank you each for your friendship and kindness! I do so appreciate having people to write to. :) Every day that I'm able to spend as a missionary grows my testimony that God lives and guides the paths of His children. I feel His Spirit daily, and I cannot deny the witness I have received of the truthfulness of the restored gospel!  I know that God listens to those who speak to Him. Prayers offered with a sincere heart are heard and answered! So please, if you feel lonely, downtrodden or stuck, ask your Eternal Father for what you desire, and He will grant unto you what you need. Never doubt the power of the Master of the Universe. :) My love goes out to you all. May you find peace and joy in all the good that you do. 

Sincerely, Elder Dickison

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